Policies and Guidelines
Policies and Guidelines
This page highlights University Policies and Guidelines related to alcohol and drugs. Please see specific policies for detailed information. The below list contains links to University Policies and Guidelines related to alcohol and other drugs:
- Campus Alcohol Policy
- Drug Free Campus and Workplace (UCCS Policy 100-014)
- UCCS Student Code of Conduct
- UCCS Resident Handbook
- NCAA Drug Testing Program
For more information or any questions regarding Drug and Alcohol abuse and intervention, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (719) 255-3091
Alcohol Policies and Guidelines
The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited except in designated areas at times and dates licensed by the Colorado State Department of Revenue.
In the State of Colorado, it is against the law for persons under 21 years of age to possess or consume malt beverages, fermented malt liquor or vinous or spirituous liquor. UCCS PD enforces all federal, state, and local laws concerning possession and/or consumption of ethyl alcohol. However, enforcement options may include criminal charges as well as a referral to the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Residence Life and Housing for possible disciplinary sanctions.
The furnishing of alcoholic beverages to underage persons is also against the state law.
Alcohol cannot be consumed or carried in open containers on any street, sidewalk, alley, automobile, or public area.
Alcohol is not permitted in the Summit Village Residence Halls. In the Alpine Village Apartments, any student 21 years of age or older may consume alcohol in his or her room ONLY.
No person under legal drinking age or any obviously intoxicated person shall be furnished, served, or given an alcohol beverage.
It is University policy that the cost of admission to an event may not include alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages must be purchased separately.
Statement Addressing Illegal Drugs
Federal and State drug laws as well as University policy prohibit the sale, unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, or of illicit drugs, on university property or as part of any university activity, in compliance with the 2012 Campus Security Report 29 Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. UCCS PD enforces all federal, state, and local drug laws. This prohibition applies to all students and to all employees.
Any employee (including student employees) whose act in violation with the above policy also results in a criminal conviction must report the conviction in writing to the employee's supervisor within five days. The University, in turn, is obliged by law to report certain convictions to the federal government University sanctions for violation of this policy may include, but are not limited to, mandatory participation in a rehabilitation program, or disciplinary action such as reprimand, suspension, salary reduction, demotion, or termination of employment for employees, and for students a warning, probation, suspension, ineligibility for financial assistance, or dismissal or expulsion from the University.
Many of the acts which violate this policy also violate criminal law and must be referred for prosecution. In such cases, law enforcement authorities may administer a separate penalty such as a fine or imprisonment. In addition to the legal and financial consequences associated with the abuse of drugs and alcohol, the physical and psychological effects of such abuse can have a devastating effect upon the ability to perform physical and intellectual skills required of a student or employee. It can also impair the ability to develop and maintain the interpersonal skills and the working relationships essential to an effective working and learning environment.
Statement Addressing Marijuana Use on Campus (From UCCS Code of Conduct)
Possessing, using, manufacturing, distributing, or selling illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, including the misuse of prescription and/or over the counter medications. Although possession and use of marijuana is no longer a crime under Colorado law, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana in any form is prohibited on campus and/or on any property owned, leased or operated by UCCS, including UCCS student housing.